Weight Loss Injections


Fat-Dissolving Injections At DNA Aesthetics Clinic In Canada Water

If you’re struggling to lose stubborn pockets of fat, it may be time to try fat-dissolving injections at DNA Aesthetics Clinic in South East London. 

There are many reasons why people struggle to lose weight and we understand how disheartening it can be when you've been exercising and eating well as you work towards a healthier self.

Whether it's an unsightly 'muffin top’, ‘bingo wings’, or ‘love handles’, our highly skilled technician will be happy to discuss your concerns and work out a plan to improve your body shape and reduce fatty areas that simply will not budge.

Fat-dissolving injections are an effective way to reduce weight on the stomach, thighs, buttocks, waist, hips, back, arms, knees, cheeks, jowls and chin. The fat is broken down in a controlled manner so it can be safely expelled through your lymphatic system.

We use the finest INFINI Premium LipoMax fat-dissolving injections to target your problem areas and help with your weight loss journey.  

This is a simple and effective procedure that is relatively pain-free. You may experience mild swelling, redness, bruising and a little tenderness around the treated area with downtime usually no more than 7-10 days.

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What Are Fat-Dissolving Injections?

At DNA Aesthetics Clinic in Canada Water, we use INFINI Premium LipoMax fat-dissolving injections to target fatty areas on the face and body that remain unaffected by diet and exercise.

The fat tissue in the injected area becomes slightly inflamed which causes the fat cells to rupture and be passed into the blood and liver where they are broken down and excreted from the body.   

Most clients opt for a course of 5 or 6 INFINI weight loss injections which are carried out at 3-4 week intervals. 

Weight Loss Treatments at DNA Beauty Salon in Canada Water South London

Face & Body Weight Loss Injections

Weight loss injections - also known as fat-dissolving injections - are an effective way to reduce weight on the stomach, thighs, buttocks, waist, hips, back, arms, knees, cheeks, jowls and chin. The fat is broken down in a controlled manner so it can be safely expelled through your lymphatic system.

If you are struggling to lose stubborn fat, please book into our Canada Water clinic for a consultation by calling 0207 232 2275.  Our experienced technician will discuss your needs, assess the areas to be treated, and work out whether you are a suitable candidate for fat-dissolving injections. 

Fat Dissolving Injections near me

Do Fat Dissolving Injections Work?

The number of fat-dissolving injections you need will vary on which part of the body you want to target.  Most clients see a reduction in the circumference of the treated area as the fat tissue decreases - and your new improved body shape will be permanent if you continue to follow a healthy diet and exercise. 

This is a simple and effective procedure that is relatively pain-free. Downtime is usually 7-10 days. 

Some clients experience mild swelling, redness, bruising and a little tenderness around the treated area.


Weight Loss Injections At DNA Aesthetics Clinic In South East London

Take the first step towards your ideal body shape by booking your appointment at DNA Aesthetics Clinic in Canada Water. To book your appointment, please call us on 0207 232 2275.