Dermal Fillers Explained

Your Questions Answered At DNA Aesthetics In South London

Dermal fillers are a popular and effective way to help diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.  At DNA Aesthetics Clinic in South London we are experts in non-surgical anti-aging treatments and our fully qualified aesthetics specialists are highly experienced in the use of dermal fillers to produce younger looking skin.  

Dermal fillers are a fantastic option for those looking to refresh their appearance and achieve a more youthful, glowing look. These injectable gels are made of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in our bodies, and can be used to enhance a wide range of facial features. Whether you're looking to add volume to your cheeks, smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, or enhance your lips, dermal fillers are a versatile and effective treatment option. With little to no downtime and natural-looking results, dermal fillers are a great choice for anyone looking to feel their best and put their best face forward.

You can book a free in-depth consultation by calling us on 0207 232 2275 and we will discuss the look you would like to achieve and explain the process and price. Click here or more information on Dermal Fillers at DNA Aesthetics.

If you are considering Dermal Fillers, this article will answers some of your Frequently Asked Questions.

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What exactly are dermal fillers, and how do they work?


Dermal fillers are injectable gels made of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally-occurring substance in our bodies. They work by adding volume and hydration to the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines, and giving your face a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

What areas of the face can be treated with dermal fillers?


Dermal fillers are incredibly versatile and can be used to enhance and rejuvenate a wide range of facial features. Common treatment areas include the cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines, under-eye area, and temples.

What can I expect during a dermal filler treatment?


First, our Dermal Filler specialist will clean and numb the treatment area to ensure your comfort. Then, we will carefully inject the filler into the targeted areas using a fine needle or cannula. The entire process usually takes less than 30 minutes.

Is there any downtime after a dermal filler treatment?


Most people are able to return to their normal activities immediately after their dermal filler treatment, although some minor swelling, bruising, or redness may occur at the injection sites. These side effects typically subside within a few days.

Does a Dermal Filler Treatment Hurt?


A surface anaesthetic cream will be applied to numb the area before treatment, so although you will experience minor discomfort during the injection, it's relatively painless.

How Long Will the Effect of my Dermal Filler Treatment Last?


Dermal fillers gradually biodegrade. The time this takes will depend on how your body reacts to the hyaluronic acid used in the filler, and which area has been treated, but as a guide, usually the effect last between 6 and 18 months in the cheeks and face. Lip fillers usually last between 4-6 months.

Is there a Difference between Botox and Dermal Fillers?


Yes, these are two completely different procedures. Botox stops the small muscles in your face from making the movements that cause wrinkles. Dermal fillers plump from below the wrinkle to make your skin smoother. Depending on your needs, however, we may suggest using a combination of both techniques to achieve the best results. Book a consultation to find out more.